Discover the Magic of Nature's Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Meanings, Healing Properties, and Spiritual Abilities"

Alphabetically organized.

This crystal guide, emphasizing the mystical, therapy, empowerment and spiritual aspects of crystals is a recommendation and guidance for your knowledge.
In my belief the right crystal often finds you, and the powerful energy of crystals lies in believing in their abilities.

Crystal Guide


Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities.
There were many beliefs to do with the Amethyst, which ‎was one of the first stones used by man. The Amethyst was ‎used to protect warriors and guarantee their conquest, to ‎cure hunters, protect against diseases, control bad thoughts, ‎strengthen intelligence and make its owner sharp in business.‎‏ ‏
Enhances sobriety- It makes a person have a sober mind in cases of over drinking or overindulgence in other activities that may lead to addictions. Amethyst does this by producing a calming effect to the mind and stimulating the body hence keeping people focused and aware of occurrence in their surroundings.
Guards against psychic attack- By wearing the protective Amethyst crystal, one gets protection from all types of suffering including spiritual assault and those that may be as a result of external sources such as people.


Apatite is a stone of manifestation. It is related to service and to humanitarian pursuits. Apatite is attuned to the future, yet connects to past lives. It stimulates the development of our psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepening meditation and aiding communication and self-expression on all levels.
Green Apatite is a very calming and soothing stone. Our heart, throat, and third eye chakras become activated and aligned when working with this stone. When these chakras are activated together, one will notice how clearer their communicative skills are.
This stone activates and imbues the user with Earthly Healing energy that we can then channel and use to help other beings.


Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility.
Aquamarine represents happiness, hope and everlasting youth. In ancient times, aquamarine was thought to protect those at sea.
This is a great stone to help a person get in touch with her spiritual side, and will resonate with people new to exploring spirituality or their higher self. It is a stone of symmetries.
Shamans use stones of symmetries like this one because they allow us to look both within and outward. Aquamarine helps us to gain insight, truth, and wisdom. It can be used to help calm the mind, nerves, and anxieties. Physically, it’s said to help relieve the symptoms of fluid retention. Because it’s associated with water and water is cleansing, aquamarine can also help aid in the flushing of toxins from the body.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx is a stone that offers up powerful vibrations of protection, strength, focus, and willpower, making it a popular choice for jewelry and talismans. This stone is here to continuously push you forward in your life. By activating your root, solar plexus, and third eye chakras, one is able to fully ground themselves to Earth. Not only will Onyx give you a jolt of energy to get up and start pursuing your dreams, but also protect you on your new journey. Simply carrying this stone or wearing Onyx daily will provide a shield around ones aura, refusing to allow negative energy to attach itself to you. This stone has been used as protection for thousands of years and is still one of the strongest protection stones we know of.

Black Rutilated Quartz

The meaning of Black Rutilated Quartz promotes strength, growth, and acceptance. It helps you analyze your life and accept the things you cannot change. The crystal's energy even encourages you to look inward and accept responsibility for your life.
Black Rutilated Quartz is one of the most powerful stones to be used in therapeutic techniques with crystals, in order to stimulate and purify this energy center.
When the Black Rutilated Quartz is worn as a jewel or the therapeutic techniques of the crystals are used, the quartz energy will start the movement of the primary forces present in the body: it will activate the survival instinct of the first chakra, but in a purified form; it will make us proud to walk on this earth and to be inhabitants of a human body.
The Black Rutilated Quartz is going to help you gain more luck in your financial situations and also allow you to choose more wisely when it comes to business decisions.

Black Spinel

Black Spinel is known to enhance creativity, confidence, courage, and power. It is a great stone for grounding oneself in times of stress or change. It helps one release tension, anxiety, and fear while calming the mind and body. Plus, it helps create clarity on difficult situations by providing insight into their underlying causes.
Black Spinel offers insights into material problems and gives you the stamina to continue. This color is protective and earths energy to balance the rise of kundalini.
Spinel is connected with energy renewal, encouragement in difficult circumstances, and rejuvenation.
Psychologically, Spinel enhances positive aspects of the personality. It aids in achieving and accepting success with humility.

Black Tourmaline

it’s a hugely powerful stone for those who want to wear a constant cloak of protection. Potent, inky black, and with strong grounding forces, this jet-colored stone is known for being a swallower of negative energies. It effectively helps the wearer be absolved of dark feelings, turning these anxious vibrations into a positive spin that nurtures the soul.

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire is linked to the throat chakra and can be used to enhance self-expression.
Blue Sapphire is a seeker after spiritual truth, traditionally associated with love and purity.
This tranquil stone helps you to stay on the spiritual path and it is used in shamanic ceremonies to transmute negative energies. It open and heals the throat chakra and the thyroid, and facilitates speaking yourself.
Sapphires aligns the physical, mental, and spiritual planes and restores balance within the body.


Citrine has positive characteristics when aiding the physical self and has an important role in valuing the spiritual self as well. It awakens and expands the higher mind, especially conscious awareness.
Citrine charges your spirit with optimistic energy, which is a very powerful tool when expressing wealth.
Citrine brings not just prosperity and success for the business or personal powers in career but also has other characteristics which help people know themselves deeply when it comes to self-development. It creates deeper connections within your core to improve self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-trust, get out the negativity inside you, and produces personal power.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz has the capacity to absorb, store, release, and regulate energy.
It resonates with all of the chakras.
Quartz enhances spiritual growth, awareness, and wisdom.
It increases inspiration and creativity.

Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian Opal is a truly unique and remarkable gemstone, and not only for its rare, beautiful color variations but also for its rich historical meaning. It dates back to ancient times when it was believed to bring good luck, protection from harm, and divine hope.
Ethiopian Opal benefits include balancing the Root and Crown Chakras, enhancing intuition, and increasing spiritual awareness. When placed at the Heart Chakra, it can help heal emotional wounds by improving self-esteem and allowing us to access inner wisdom.
This Opal gemstone is perfect for love and relationships as it is associated with the planet Venus.
Ethiopian Opal provides grounding to help stay firmly rooted in one’s creative vision, allowing for an uninterrupted flow of ideas and inspiration. 
Placing a piece of Ethiopian Opal near your workspace can attract positive energy to spark creativity and productivity. This powerful crystal can bring forth innovative ideas and boost motivation.
Ethiopian Opal helps clear out negative energy and replace it with positive vibrations, allowing for more tranquility and self-understanding.
Carrying the stone with you or wearing it as jewelry, keeping it close by in your environment, is recommended.


Garnet is a powerfully energizing and regenerating stone. It cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.
Garnet is a useful crystal to have in a crisis. It is particularly helpful in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has fragmented or is traumatic. It fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into seemingly hopeless situations.
Garnet regenerates the body. It stimulates the metabolism. Garnet treats spinal and cellular disorders, purifies and reenergizes the blood, heart, and lungs, and regenerates DNA. It assists assimilation of minerals and vitamins.
Garnet has several forms according to its mineral base, each of which have different properties in addition to the generic attributes.
Red Garnet represents love. Attuned to the heart energy, it revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self.
Rhodolite Garnet is a warm, trusting, and sincere stone. It stimulates contemplation, intuition, and inspiration. Rhodolite protects the base chakra and enhances healthy sexuality, overcoming figidity. It stimulates the metabolism and treats heart, lungs, and hips.
Mandarin Garnet (is a type of Spessartite Garnet) vibrates at a high rate. It imparts a willingness to help others and strengthens the heart. It enhances analytical processes and the rational mind. It is an antidepressant and it suppresses nightmares. As an orange healing stone, mandarin garnet's healing powers reflect those of other orange gemstones, boosting creativity, vitality, and confidence.


Iolite is an excellent meditation tool that can help calm down emotions and still your mind.
It’s one of the best stones to have when it comes to spiritual healing, and psychic activities because it can open your psychic talents and enhance them.
Iolite can help you to become more discerning, to act on your intuition, and to recognize your insights knowingly.
It will make you trust your inner self more and listen to what your heart and mind are telling you!


The Stone of Mysticism. Linked to the glimmering gold and green lights of the Aurora Borealis, the Labradorite stone is as mystical as its iridescent changing colors suggest. the healing properties of this healing crystal are all about tapping into your own wonderful well of creativity and connecting with the higher consciousness. Labradorite teaches us how to bring life-giving energy to all areas of our souls – from the body to the mind and those deep hard-to-reach corners which keep us all in balance. It’s a stone that shows the way to self-soothing, artistic ambition, cosmic energy, and enhancing our own mental clarity. Good for the respiratory system, Helps with healthy digestion, and Clears anxiety.

London Blue Topaz

London blue topaz is a powerful stone that is said to bring prosperity, good luck, and abundance. It is also thought to promote friendship by helping us develop a more optimistic attitude.
It is believed to help enhance interpersonal skills, allowing individuals to express themselves more clearly and confidently. Additionally, the stunning gemstone is said to have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping to soothe anxiety and promote emotional balance.
The blue topaz is also a stone of transformation that helps us to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. This makes it an excellent resource for those struggling with their past, whether it be negative memories or experiences from previous times.


Larimar is a Blue Pectolite. This solid mass develops within basaltic lava holes.
Larimar is thought to provide many health advantages. Larimar is claimed to offer mental, emotional, and spiritual advantages in addition to enlightenment and healing. It is also thought to activate various internal and exterior body components, allowing for more profound manifestation and understanding.
It also aids in identifying self-imposed limitations and self-destructive conduct, particularly toward pain, and aids in the regaining of self-discipline and control over one's life.
When combined with yoga breathing techniques, Larimar can help you acquire more clarity in your life. This gemstone is an excellent exercise for promoting simplicity, open-mindedness, and yin energy. Larimar's therapeutic qualities can help men and women enhance their femininity, intuition, and receptivity. Larimar makes it simple to enter a profound state of meditation.


Morganite is a relatively rare gemstone. It only grows in small quantities and in the presence of other minerals which is partly what makes it so precious.
Morganite is connected to the heart and is attuned to the heart chakra. Morganite is believed to bring healing, compassion and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving ego.
This crystal also attracts the abundance of love into one’s life and assists in maintaining that love as it continues to grow. It encourages loving thoughts and actions, consideration and responsibility, and being receptive to love from others. As a crystal of the heart, it may be used to attract one’s soul mate or in deepening a current relationship.
Morganite is great for you if your nervous systems can often be out of whack and if you suffer tensions and stress.
Morganite also expands our ability to connect with and receive guidance from angelic beings and other higher entities, bringing the reassurance of support from Spirit on the emotional level. In circumstances where a tragic event or loss has shaken one’s faith in the Divine, this crystal can also assist in restoring trust in Spirit and confidence in the Divine’s plan for one’s life.


Moonstone represents inner clarity, cyclical change, and a connection to the feminine. It is a symbol of light and hope and also encourages us to embrace new beginnings.
Some cultures believe Moonstone talismans help the wearer make the right decisions. As one of the few healing crystals that rule the higher and lower chakras, Moonstone balances your mind and awakens your intuition.
Moonstone makes you super-focused and receptive by calming your nerves. It enhances your memory, focus, and critical thinking skills.
When you fully bond with a Moonstone crystal, it’ll help you forgive yourself and others by unlocking emotions of empathy and universal connection inside you.
Moonstone purifies your aura and protects you from psychic harm when you set intentions while wearing an Adularia stone.
Moonstone has a unique trait of awakening dormant parts of the mind, body, and spirit, making you feel clairvoyant, intuitive, empathic, or psychic.


Known as the stone of compassion, peridot is believed to bring good health, restful sleep and peace to relationships by balancing emotions and mind. This friendly bright green stone also has the uncanny ability to inspire eloquence and creativity; it also brings delight and good cheer.
Peridot is a gemstone rich in magnesium. It is usually green-colored whereas its pigmentation depends on its iron content.
Peridot has a ton of feeling and emotional healing powers. It is believed that the gemstone has the ability to open the doors to its bearer’s heart and purifies it.
At the same time Peridot ensures that you are not clinging onto your past. Whatever happened in the past stays in the past. If your heart is dying to change the mistakes that you have made, Peridot reverberates a resounding vibration that allows you to heal from the wounds of yesterday.
Peridot can also be used to establish a connection between the earthly domains to the other side. If you want to communicate with spirits, Peridot can help.

Pink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline represents a love of humanity and humanitarianism. It is worn to promote sympathy towards others. It is an excellent stone for healers and counselors because it promotes better listening and understanding. It carries the virtue of unconditional love and friendship.
Pink Tourmaline helps calm ones emotions in times of distress, and is the perfect stone to carry if you suffer from daily bouts of anxiety. This stone is such a strong healing stone due to it commonly being formed within Quartz masses. Quartz naturally amplifies any stone placed near it, so it is regularly recommended to anyone suffering from heavy emotional pain weighing on the heart. For people who have recently gone through a tragedy, heartbreak, loss of a loved one, or simply can't kick that daily depression, Pink Tourmaline is the stone for you. Try meditating with a piece over your heart and allow the crystals healing energies to directly absorb into your heart space.


Ruby is an excellent stone for energy. Imparting vigor to life, it energizes and balances. Ruby encourages passion for life, it improves motivation and setting of realistic goals.
Ruby stimulates the heart chakra and balances the heart. it encourages " following your bliss".
Mentally, Ruby brings about a positive and courageous state of mind. Under the influence of Ruby, the mind is Sharp with heightened awareness and excellent concentration.
Emotionally, Ruby is dynamic. It charges up passion and fires the enthusiasm. Ruby is a sociable stone that attracts sexual activity.
Physically, Ruby overcomes exhaustion and lethargy and imparts potency and vigor.
Ruby detoxifies the body, blood, and lymph, and treats fevers, infectious disease, and restricted blood flow. It is extremely beneficial for the heart and circulatory system.

Smokey Quartz

Smoky quartz is associated with all things Mother-Earth.
Smoky quartz’s ability to connect us to different realms was also used by various shamans and tribes. They used the mystical stone in rituals for divination and afterlife transitions.
The key smoky quartz uses are grounding, protection, and cleansing the mind and body.
The physical healing benefits of smoky quartz include detoxifying the body and protecting against illness. The stone is also purported to ease headaches and cramps. After getting all the bad stuff out, smoky quartz can help the body absorb nutrients and regulate itself better.
Smoky quartz benefits your emotional healing by absorbing negativity and replacing it with positive vibes. The crystal can help ground you, letting you feel the earth’s vibrations combining with your own.
Smoky quartz can rid the mind of resentment, stress, and worry. Then, the stone’s grounding and balancing properties can help you focus on positive solutions with a level head.
For smoky quartz chakra healing, the stone activates the root chakra.

Sky Blue Topaz

Sky Blue Topaz is known as the stone of clarity. The Blue Topaz meaning allows you to channel your inner wisdom and find the perfect pathways to successful opportunities. Anyone who wears this gemstone should embrace their authentic self, trust their power, and revel in good fortune.
As Blue Topaz unlocks the throat chakra, it brings power and belief to the beauty of your own voice and deepens your relationship with the self and those around you. The meaning of Blue Topaz also extends to the third eye chakra.
Blue Topaz is sometimes called the writers stone as it knows how to finetune your focus so you can concentrate on the task at hand. This grace of clarity along with the encouragement to communicate from the depths of your spirit are important steps on the pathway to healing and finding your place in the wider world.


Tanzanite stimulates the throat chakra, third-eye chakra, and crown chakra. It activates our psychic abilities and vibratory rate, facilitating communication with the higher spiritual dimensions. Tanzanite is a stone of transformation that can help dissolve old patterns of disease and karma.
Tanzanite is one of the most powerful stones one can work with when it comes to connecting their mind and heart, and soul to create one being. This stone urges us to speak compassionate words from the heart, while also displaying a higher level of intellect that comes directly from your expanded mind. Tanzanite has been described by many as a self-awakening stone that is here guide and activate the individual spirituality in all of us. It's a stone that urges you to be the best version of yourself and pushes one's consciousness into a higher state of being. This special mineral offers up only the highest form of truth and trust, and will expose any lies we keep telling ourselves.